Thursday, December 28, 2017

Suicide, a Silent Killer

The Realm of Suicide

Today, I want to discuss a topic that may be a little sensitive for some and really hit home for others, and that topic is suicide. We are living in an age where suicide appears to be the only option for some individuals. We can turn on the news and hear a story of one falling to his or her death, or by taking their life in other ways.

Each year, about 34,000 people commit suicide. This is one death every 15 minutes. But suicide is a lot deeper than what we see on the surface. When you ask someone the meaning of the word suicide, they will tell you that it's the taking of one's own life. But I am here to tell you that suicide involves so much more than that.

Did you know that suicide occurs days, months, even years before it actually occurs. Many of us, at some point and time in our life, have said, “I don't want to be here,” or “I wish I could just die.” But usually those words are spoken out of frustration during that moment. Most people will not contemplate the how, and when phases of suicide. Because once your life gets back to normal and you've gotten over that trial, as many believe they will, any thoughts of suicide that may have crept into the mind... are now gone. For most individuals really do not want to end their life, but as we know, there are some that do and have.

When we talk about suicide, we're talking about a force of darkness. Suicide is a force of darkness. We know that the enemy's main objective is to steal, kill and destroy. He does these by any means necessary. When we first begin to have the feeling of not being good enough or not attractive enough or smart enough, anything on those lines, the enemy rushes in to capitalize on those feelings. The enemy makes us feel worst than what we already feel. It's the whispers of the air and the seducing spirits of the night that creep in and make those thoughts manifested well beyond our intentions and far beyond the original thought. The original thought which may have simply been a mere passing thought out of frustration and dealing with the issues of life.

The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition defines suicide as the act or an instance of intentionally killing oneself. The destruction or ruin of one's own interests. One who commits suicide.

As we look at the above definitions, I want to take you to the other side of suicide. Suicide is more than just the taking of ones own life. It is also the neglecting of ones own life. What is meant by this? The abuse of drugs, alcohol, being promiscuous, overeating, and making unwise choices that may result in your demise. All of the above leads to the destruction of our body and soul. These subtle actions, we can refer to as... suicide.

As we delve into the topic of raising one from the dead, a person might ask, “Can we raise one that has committed suicide?” Spirit has explained, when a person commits suicide, they have chosen to no longer be here on this earth, in this realm, at this time. When a person commits suicide, their soul immediately goes into a place referred to as the outer. The outer is the outer realm of existence. Their existence is no longer in the realms of our control. There is no longer the saying, on earth as it is in heaven. For they are not in earth and they are not in heaven, but in the outer realm of existence. An existence that is far beyond our realm of authority.

With that said, we place on the body sweet scents and oils; such as, myrrh, frankincense, peppermint, rose or jasmine. This is done to ward off any evil spirits that may be hovering around the body. In addition, we smooth on olive oil on the forehead, making the sign of the cross, for the crossing. 

Suicide is not a topic of your everyday choice, as the raising of the dead is not either. However, in this season, we will be discussing those difficult topics. This is done to get you familiar with the other realms outside of the physical, and to confront any and all of your superstitions.